Wow - it's already July 29th!!
What have we been doing??
Honestly - nothing crazy - just enjoying the nice weather and spending lots of time outdoors!
4th of July - We actually took our 1st road trip (it sounds like we never go anywhere! We do - just normally no where farther then an hours drive) Hailey is usually not a happy car rider - but I had lots to bribe her with! Larry decided that we needed some "real" fireworks, so off to Wyoming we went! It was actually really fun. We made several stops and just made a day of it. The girls did great! Ashley was super excited about getting fireworks - I think just because Larry was excited, she truly didn't know what she was getting herself into. She did help carry some of the fireworks in the store though. The good part is that we have had rain almost every night so there was no fire danger. For the actual 4th of July we went down the street to a friends house. It didn't start off very well - we had a huge hail storm come thru! By the time we were done eating and had some beverages the weather had cleared and the fireworks began (yes they took a trip to Wyoming as well!) Hailey ended up falling asleep in my lap, but it was a great time. We still have fireworks left though!!

The girls all ready to go....

Hailey getting ready for fireworks - not sure if she likes them this year!
Everyone is doing well!
Ashley is riding her bike really well now - she usually walks it down hills. She really enjoys running around outside. We have the jump-o-lene still out and she is finding new ways to jump in - usually from the top of the slide! With all of the rain usually in the evening, it has been challenging keeping her in her own bed. She is going to be starting a new dance class and also her final year of preschool next month - she keeps asking if its coming. Soon enough!
Hailey is really starting to put her words together now. I do a lot of translating for Larry - but she is getting a lot better. She also likes to run around outside in the evenings - but she usually is the first to want to go in. Laying on the couch and watching a movie before bed makes her pretty darn happy! She is still a mommas girl - which I don't mind one bit!
Larry is busy just trying to keep up with things. His job is super busy but he is doing great. He just got a call from the president of the company telling him what a great job he is doing - Yahoo!! He did his motorcycle class - it went great - the instructor encouraged him to become an instructor! He has his motorcycle license now, so he is going out on the bike more and more.
My job is going well. Just never have enough time in the day to do everything I want. I had a little bit of a health scare but it turned out to be nothing - VERY happy about that!! Larry bought me a bunch of gear for the motorcycle and we went on our first ride last weekend. At first I thought there was no way I would do it - but by the time we got home I was having fun. We are supposed to go out again this weekend. Thinking of re-painting out living room (I'm sure Larry is tired of looking at all the paint samples hanging up!) Just happy to be able to be outside as much as possible! The garden is coming along great - just keep hoping the hail skips our house! The girls love going out to look at it with me. Ashley has become a pro at cleaning off the veggies when I pull them. I love it!!