I love the fact that Ashley has become a big Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan. She gets so excited when it comes on and sings along and answers all the questions they ask. So of course when I heard Disney playhouse was coming to town I got all of us tickets to go. Larry's first question was "can I drink first" - but it turned out we were all pretty excited to get there. Unfortunately Ashley was too excited to take a nap and fell asleep on the way - so when we got there she was not too happy. She kept her sunglasses on like she was "too cool to be here!" - scary future glimpse of the teenage years! But she eventually warmed up. They had Little Einstein's, Handy Manny, Tigger and Pooh and then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. By far Mickey stole the show for Ashley!! Hailey did great - slept thru most of it.
How cute! We'll all have to go to Disney world in a couple years!
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