Sometimes I will notice something Ashley says or something Hailey does and I realize how much they are both growing. Hailey is sitting up all by herself now - she tumbles over here and there - like she did this morning but Ashley is there to push her up by her head. We had to have a talk that Hailey's head shouldn't be pushed up like that - but she is just trying to help.
I took a picture of Ashley the other night and realized this little girl is growing. She has such a great sense of humor and is still so kind. We went to the zoo this weekend and she cracked us up. We were looking at the reindeer and all of a sudden she says "don't kill them Daddy!" - WHAT?? The funniest part is Larry hasn't even been hunting and has never even talked about it? Of course that was the only time during the day she called him Daddy - she calls him Larry all the time. I told Larry in Target last night that I feel like I am on my second marraige and he is her step-dad! It's pretty funny!
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