Thursday, August 28, 2008
Is that Dorthy and Toto?
Sunday evening we went out to eat, from the beginning it didn't go well. Hailey was not happy so I ended up just boxing up my dinner. Then everyone in the restaurant started looking out the window?? Someone tells us there is a funnel cloud. Next thing we know there is an actual tornado touching down. Living in Texas for a year - I don't think tornado's are neat, fun to look at, exciting, etc.., they are damn scary! When we looked out the window we realized it was time to go - NOW. Very quickly we got the girls in the car and headed out - I know you aren't supposed to be in a car when there is a tornado but the alternative was being in a steakhouse were there was no cover. We watched it and it wasn't moving very quickly so Larry quickly drove home. We then spent a nice hour in the basement - and as Larry said "It's a good thing we finished out basement".

Balloon Festival - 2008
For the 3rd year in a row we have attended the Rocky Mountain Balloon Festival at Chatfield. You know it has to be good for all of us to be in the car by 5am! The minute I went into Ashley's room and whispered "do you want to go see the balloons?" - she bounced out of bed and was ready to go. Hailey - not so much - remarkably though she stayed awake the whole car ride. I think she was freaked out and probably thought we didn't know what we were doing as parents so she better stay up.
This year we actually got there before they even started inflating any of the balloons so it was great to see all of them from the start. Ashley was tired and wanted to be held - while Hailey wanted to just run around.
It was fun - everyone had fun and we will be back next year!
Hailey took Ashley's chocolate milk - and she is pretty happy about it!
Hailey running around!
Hailey and Daddy watching the balloons
Ashley and Mommy with the balloons
Ready to go home....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ashley's First Day at Preschool
Ashley went to her first day at preschool today. She did such a great job!! Of course we took some pictures before we went. When we got to the school we waited outside with the rest of the kids until the teacher opened the door. Then we went in and Ashley sat on the circle rug - even got up to dance when the teacher said it was time. She did such a great job - we are so proud of her!! Not one single tear!! Of course I cried the whole time - and the whole day. I just can't believe how grown she is!
When we came back to get her she was pretty worn out. She had lots to tell us - the went on the playground, she painted and washed her hands. She showed us how the teacher told them to put a bubble in their mouths when it is time to listen. Preschool is every Tuesday and Thursday mornings - I don't know how I am going to drop her off every time! I couldn't imagine what it would be like if she didn't like it. So proud of her!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ashley's Orientation
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Fair - Part Two - Rides
Little Ashley has discovered "rides" (thanks to a Chucky Cheese trip). At the Fair they of course had the scary "is this going to fall apart rides" - and of course Ashley had to go on some. We started off doing the spinning strawberries - which I went on with her. Lot's of fun!! Then Larry and her went on the carousel. Hailey enjoyed hanging out in the stroller eating snacks and having a drink.
Then she saw the dragon roller coaster (kiddie roller coaster). Let's keep in mind she only saw it while it was stopped. We took her over there and the carnival guy told all the kids to just stand by the cars - not get in yet - and of course there is Ashley so focused on getting on she heard nothing. She is trying to jump in already - so the guy let her in. She is waiting to go - Larry and I look at each other realizing that we have just let our little girl get on this scary ride all by herself!! Bad parent moment number 2,179~
Of course the thing jerks off to a start and she comes around the corner - with a complete look of terror! 2nd round - same thing. Larry and I are trying to yell that she is doing such a great job - I am sure she heard nothing - it was more us telling ourselves it was ok! 3rd round the screaming begins. Ashley is freaking out and just keeps yelling for me - how horrible is that!! And what can I do? I can't jump onto the moving ride and climb over all the kids to get to my little girl - even though the thought did cross my mind!! So all we can do is yell that everything is ok and pray the damn guy stops the ride soon! Eventually he did stop the ride and was nice enough to get her out first so I could scoop her up and tell her what a great job she did! I am so proud of her for being so brave!!
The best part - she didn't even want to go home after that - she wanted to go into the bouncy house - heck ya!!
Did the day end there - pretty much - after we let Ashley bounce in the house for a long time. We were never told there was a time limit - there never was a line. So why after 15 minutes did the dumb carny girl tell me she has been trying to get Ashley out of the bouncy house forever?? No idea - but I let her know there was no time limit - we weren't holding up any of the other kids from going in and she better never try to yell at my little girl again! Who does she think she is - my little girl just risked her life on the roller coaster - she deserves to bounce!! Whew!
So..... Larry had some funnel cake, Hailey had lots of water and we were off. Hailey was asleep before we left the parking lot and Ashley was asleep before we got home. It was a great day at the Fair!!
The Fair - Part One - Animals
This past weekend we took the girls to the Fair. There were lots of little animals for the girls to see and touch. Ashley loves animals so we thought this would be great - of course we didn't take into account they might actually lick her - which she hates! I think she was also a little turned off because after the horses she touched a pig - which is not fun to touch. We found a small cow that was super friendly - even Hailey liked him. Who knew a cow's tongue felt like sandpaper!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Girls in Shades!
To go to work....
Of course I always am sad that I cannot stay home with my girls. Yet I really like the fact that we can go do things and not really worry about having the money too (within reason of course). Today was one of those days where I was torn. We got to Juella's this morning and she said that is was only a couple of kids at daycare and they had been invited to go to Chucky Cheese. How fun!!!
But Wait....
The girls have never been to Chucky Cheese yet!! And here they were going to go and have fun and I was going to miss it. That is when I get that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach full of sadness.
Then I have to remember....
I may not get to be there for every single moment. But I am working so we can enjoy more moments. That is my logic to help myself get behind the wheel of my car and drive away from daycare everyday.
Of course when I go to pick them up and they both run to me and Ashley can't wait to tell me what she did that day, who she played with, and on and on..... that is when I know it is ok that I go to work.
They had a great time at Chucky Cheese - Ashley rode a bunch of rides and was nervous about the big slide, Hailey liked to just watch and she had some pizza. And Juelle gave me a bunch of cute pictures!
But Wait....
The girls have never been to Chucky Cheese yet!! And here they were going to go and have fun and I was going to miss it. That is when I get that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach full of sadness.
Then I have to remember....
I may not get to be there for every single moment. But I am working so we can enjoy more moments. That is my logic to help myself get behind the wheel of my car and drive away from daycare everyday.
Of course when I go to pick them up and they both run to me and Ashley can't wait to tell me what she did that day, who she played with, and on and on..... that is when I know it is ok that I go to work.
They had a great time at Chucky Cheese - Ashley rode a bunch of rides and was nervous about the big slide, Hailey liked to just watch and she had some pizza. And Juelle gave me a bunch of cute pictures!
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