Hailey was able to help decorate the tree this year (ok, so she just got into everything while we put the decorations on - but she was there!) Ashley really enjoys decorating the tree - of course she figured out those candy canes are actually really candy this year. They all stayed on the tree though - I was amazed! As much as I like taking the girls and picking out a tree every year, I am tempted to just buy a tree. It seems like so much less hassle....will ponder that thought for awhile.
This was an attempt to take a picture of both of them in front of the tree - didn't work so well.
Ashley and Hailey had a little Christmas party at Juella's so they got a little dressed up. Ashley was very excited to take presents and hand them out. She was even more excited to walk in and see a big present for herself as well. The girls had a great time, lots of snacks and presents!

Cookie decorating was super fun! I am happy to report that there was more decorating then licking the icing this year as well! Of course once they were decorated, game on! On Christmas eve Ashley made sure that Santa had a plate of cookies and plenty of milk - he really appreciated that!
Christmas morning was fun. Hailey was up first (after Larry who thought it would be good to get up and get the coffee going - thank you Larry!) we all went in to wake Ashley up. She wasn't thrilled about that until Larry reminded her that Santa might have come last night. Then is was a race to get down the stairs! Ashley was so excited to see everything she just started yelling, which of course then Hailey had to join in as well. Ashley found a present from Santa first off and ripped right into it. We then had to take control otherwise she was going to open every ones in a matter of seconds! Hailey was confused, she would open a couple then wonder around, look at Ashley's stuff and then sit with me for awhile. It was all great fun!
Ashley riping into her first gift

Hailey on her ATV

Ashley found her dollhouse

Hailey was happy to try on a new jacket

Hailey on her ATV

Ashley found her dollhouse

Hailey was happy to try on a new jacket
Santa was good to all of us this year and we are so very thankful, especially in a time where so many are not as fortunate! We are thankful everyday for the blessings we have.
I told Larry that he gave me a "grandma" Christmas. He got me a sewing machine as I am going to venture how to sew and hopefully one day may make a quilt! Then he got me some slippers and an iron(inside joke) - so I told him I feel like a grandma with these gifts! Luckily Nana got me an ipod so I feel a little less old =)
We started a new tradition this year. For Christmas dinner instead of doing ham or turkey we are doing seafood. It's a little way to think about where Larry is from, and it's a little more exciting. Larry ordered lobster, clams, scallops and some picked crab - it was delivered 2 days before Christmas. Larry took the lobsters out on the kitchen floor for the girls to see - they moved around and scared Hailey but Ashley thought it was cool. I had to remind Larry that we can't get to attached, last time that happened I couldn't eat them because I gave them all names after their long trip from Maine!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and here is to an even better New Year!!
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