Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I love the fact that Ashley has become a big Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan. She gets so excited when it comes on and sings along and answers all the questions they ask. So of course when I heard Disney playhouse was coming to town I got all of us tickets to go. Larry's first question was "can I drink first" - but it turned out we were all pretty excited to get there. Unfortunately Ashley was too excited to take a nap and fell asleep on the way - so when we got there she was not too happy. She kept her sunglasses on like she was "too cool to be here!" - scary future glimpse of the teenage years! But she eventually warmed up. They had Little Einstein's, Handy Manny, Tigger and Pooh and then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. By far Mickey stole the show for Ashley!! Hailey did great - slept thru most of it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What a Year

So it is that time where everyone has sent out the "updates" with the Christmas cards and making their New Year's Resolutions. I for the first time have really had to sit back and reflect on this past year. So very much has happened, some really great, and some really sucky (yes I can use that word!).

I am so extremely grateful for the birth of Hailey. She is so wonderful and I can't remember her not being a part of our little family. I will fully admit that when I found out I was pregnant I wondered "can I love another child as much as I love Ashley?" The answer I am happy to say is YES!! My girls are my world - along with Larry even though I am sure he feels as though he has been pushed down the totem pole quite a bit. I have been truly blessed with my two girls and my husband and I really want to take more time in the upcoming year to cherish all the little moments we have.

We have really made our new house into a home. It took a long time to adjust to a new house and a new neighborhood and although I still am not crazy about the street we live on - too much traffic - I am really happy we live here. It makes me feel good when we are out and Ashley just wants to go home.

Some of the bad parts of the year - total and complete blowout with Larry's sister when we came home from the hospital with Hailey. It turned into a bigger fight with his parents. They made me question myself a lot and really tore down my self esteem. It took a very long time and several people to confirm for me that they were wrong. It was sad to realize the relationship I thought we had was never there to begin with.
It must have been a year to really examine relationships. We also lost contact with our previous neighbors/friends. That has been sad. Yet with this change it has really brought Larry and I closer and made us both realize that our little family unit is what is most important!
OK - enough of the heave stuff - let's move on to more great stuff!!
Ashley has grown into her own little person - she is so witty! My favorite saying that she does right now is from the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" the new one with Johnny Depp. He tells Mike TV that he is a Mumbler all the time and Ashley will be off playing and all of a sudden while Larry and I are talking she will say "MUMBLER!!" It sounds worse then it is - it is actually pretty funny and all in good fun. We all have to stop and laugh and stop taking everything we are talking about so seriously! Ashley still loves clothes, shoes, and cars. She is a great big sister which I am so very thankful for.
With so many changes this year I really can't wait for this upcoming year, except for the fact of my girls growing more. I want them to stay my little babies, yet I love seeing all the new things they discover and what great people they already are becoming!

The Best Christmas Yet

Larry and I have really started to enjoy the "Spirit" of Christmas. If you know me at all you know that Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. This year however Ashley has figured out who Santa is and that he "brings me presents" - which is great fun. She had no desire to sit on Santa's lap - which I didn't push because if you think about it sitting on a strange man's lap in a mall is kind of strange! But she sure enjoyed the lights and the anticipation of it all. On Christmas eve we had my family over to do presents and of course eat goodies. Ashley was already overwhelmed at this point. That morning she had decorated cookies for Santa - she was occupied for a good hour with this. We set out the cookies and a glass of milk - and then the great fun was spreading the reindeer food that Grandma brought over. It had oats and sparkle stuff so the reindeer could find it in our front yard - because reindeer get hungry too! Then off to bed! Larry and I were so excited to "play" Santa!! Larry even woke up extra early because he was so excited. Hailey had no idea - and that's OK. I brought Ashley down the stairs when she woke up and she couldn't believe what she saw. She was a little nervous at first but then started making food in her new kitchen Santa brought. She even got on the 2 wheeler bike that Santa left too! To make things even more perfect - it snowed a nice fluffy snow all day!! Ashley opened her very last gift around 4pm - not because she had that many presents but because she stopped to enjoy each of them - or try on the clothes.
Now we have had the sad task of telling Ashley Christmas is over... She is very sad! I had to put away the decorations a little at a time. We can't wait til next year.....