Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life Perspective

2 weeks ago a I had a friend - Tracy come visit for the night. We used to work at Ryder together and hadn't seen each other since my wedding. She lives in Virginia Beach. It was great to see her and the best part is I actually got out of the house without the kids or the husband. Larry was great and volunteered to watch the girls. We went to dinner and had some drinks - found my new favorite drink - Mojito's!! Yummy! Tracy is doing great it and it was nice to catch up.

The second part of her trip was her going to visit another friend from Ryder - Jennifer. I knew of Jennifer but we never hung out in the same groups. Jennifer is a single mom who has cancer. In 2002 when her little girl was 2, Jennifer found out she had breast cancer - she fought it and won. Then 2 years later it came back - again fought it and won. Less then a year later the cancer was back - this time it is stage 4 - all thru her body. She is fighting and Tracy says she is one of the most positive people she knows?? To be faced with such uncertainty and still be positive - this astounds me. I just can't even imagine looking at my girls and knowing that I won't see them become young women. It's sad that someone has to go thru such pain for someone else to appreciate the days they have!!

This is the link to Jennifer's lifeline:

1 comment:

Angie said...

You know, it's just so scary to actually think about how delicate life is. Any of us can certainly be taken in an instant. My mom always hammers in to me that I've got to live life to it's fullest, make sure the people I love know that I love them and to live without regrets. Jennifer sounds like such an inspiration.

On a side note - I also love Mojito's! I suppose it's a good thing we don't live near each other. Between our love for coffee and certain alcoholic drinks, we'd be out together all the time!