Thursday, September 11, 2008

Larry's brush with fame (sort of)

So this post is purely to give my husband a hard time!
When we went and got Ashley's mattress we went to American Furniture warehouse - and as we were walking out Larry spotted Jake Jab!!! For those of you not from the Denver area (and even some of you who live here) - Jake Jab owns American Furniture warehouse and we see his commericals all of the time. What was funny is that Larry was VERY excited to see him - you would have thought it was Brad Pitt! Larry waited for him to come down the escalator (as Hailey and I just stayed back - we wanted no part of this celebrity encounter. Larry said Hi to him and they had a little exchange - I was laughing the whole way out of the store. We got in the car and Larry says "How fun! We bought a mattress and we say Jake Jab!!" - Good times we have in the McKinney house!
Oh by the way I let Larry know the next night that he may have met Jake Jab - but John McCain called me!

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